Tricky Women: The future is female

The workshop is part of Tricky Women/Tricky Realities 2019.

Understanding the urban through design thinking and ethnographic methods. | Workshop with Hilda Tellioglu and Marlene Wagner (TU Wien – Institut für Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, Multidisciplinary Design & User Research)

Participating Tricky Women will get a theoretical and practical overview on Design Thinking and workshop methods for co-creation process with diverse stakeholders. Further participants will experience one of the biggest urban development areas in Europe, Aspern Seestadt and apply hands-on methods on site to explore following questions:

Are there specific challenges or potentials for women in the city?
How to read, trace, track urbanity, smartness, mobility of a city?
How to communicate and implement inclusive and sustainable new urbanities?

A cooperation between TU Wien, aspern mobil LAB & TRICKY WOMEN/TRICKY REALITIES.

Ort: Seestadt OPEN.mobil LAB, Sonnenallee 26, Aspern Seestadt 1220 Wien
Kosten: 130 Euro inkl. Mittagessen
Registrierung (bis spätestens 4. März) und Voraussetzungen: Bitte senden Sie einen kurzen Motivationstext (mit Infos zu Ihren Interessen und Ihrem Hintergrund) an Maximal 200 Wörter.

Workshop-Sprache im Bedarfsfall Englisch, sonst Deutsch!