Sharelivery – combination of sharing and delivery services
Sharelivery aims to combine various service offers in the field of shared mobility and logistics (crowd delivery, multimodal transport sharing and ridesharing) at software and hardware level in an overall system. This allows passenger and freight transport capacities to be utilised more efficiently, resources to be used better and emissions to be reduced. Based on a market analysis and the needs and challenges of various stakeholders, a system model for Sharelivery will be developed in the project. This model will then be refined with the involvement of stakeholders and potential users and expanded into an overall concept. On the basis of a business model developed jointly by the project partners, the chances of success will be assessed, implementation perspectives developed and a timetable for the next steps (necessary research and development activities, possible test areas) for implementation defined.
Involved institutions
+ goUrban e-Mobility GmbH, Vienna (Lead)
+ Greenride GmbH, Vienna
+ Lojika Field Labs, Istanbul
+ Research Unit Transportation System Planning, TU Wien
Funding body
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digitalisation and Economic Affairs (BMDW) within the framework of the programme “Beyond Europe – 3rd call for proposals”.