New Mobilities of post-traditional communities: Peer to Peer carsharing in rural and urban neighbourhoods

Carsharing in neighbourhoods might be a promising solution not only for urban areas, but also for less populated areas highly dependent on individual cars. Our study aims to investigate preconditions and factors which facilitate Peer to Peer (P2P) carsharing in different neighbourhoods and identify differences between those who use P2P carsharing with those who do not.

To this aim we conduct three case studies: one neighbourhood with active users of P2P carsharing, one neighbourhood which has currently limited number of users and one neighbourhood with no interest in using P2Pcarsharing services. Differences in culture, awareness, adoption of collaborative consumption services, attitude towards cars, and geographical particularities will be investigated by conducting focus groups. Additionally, expert interviews with various stakeholders shall provide us deeper understanding of relationships between factors which support (or weaken) P2P carsharing.

Project consoritum

TU Wien, Research unit Transport System Planning (MOVE) | University of Vienna, Department of Sociology | FH Technikum Wien, Department for Computer Science


Seyedeh Ashrafi

Tel.: +43 1 58801-280518


Funded by

CTS center for Technology and Society

Photo: © Max Kiepke