
Multiple mobility data fusion & enrichment for demand-oriented mobility use cases

© Projekt MultiMoFusion

Data-driven mobility analyses are crucial for sustainable transportation planning. However, traditional mobility survey methods are often insufficient. Therefore, MultiMoFusion combines SMASI surveys (Smartphone Assisted Self-Interviews – GPS tracking with smartphones) with anonymized mobile phone movement data (Floating Phone Data, FPD), creating a new, high-quality data source.

MultiMoFusion employs innovative communication techniques, including storytelling and interactive geo-visualizations, to address mobility challenges. Additionally, requirements for a national mobility data space are collected, and the transferability is examined.

Aspern Seestadt serves as a test lab. SMASI data collected here are fused with macroscopic mobile phone movement data to create a representative model. The combination of these data demonstrates the advantages and limitations of data fusion. Together with stakeholders, future use cases are discussed, and transfer strategies are developed.


“In MultiMoFusion, our focus is on creating a completely new and comprehensive data source by merging two established datasets in mobility research. If we succeed, we can provide an improved data basis for neighborhood planning that also considers walking and cycling according to their importance for the mobility transition.– Florian Pühringer, TU Wien


Planned cooperation with the aspern.mobil LAB

Cooperation over the ongoing mobility panel. Further details will be available on our website from Fall 2024.



Name: Florian Pühringer
Email: (TU Wien | Institute of Spatial Planning, Research Unit MOVE)

Further information and other participating institutions:

  • TU Graz – Institut für Straßen- und Verkehrsplanung
  • Invenium Data Insights GmbH
  • Catchment GmbH
  • Wien 3420 aspern development AG


Funding body

Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) within the framework of the FTI-focus area Mobility Transition