
The cooperative research project Mo.Hub aims to develop mobility stations in co-creation with citizens, mobility service providers as well as politics and administration in order to contribute to sustainable urban mobility and participatory design of climate-friendly public spaces.

Mobility hubs concentrate different mobility offers with the aim of promoting intermodal, seamless sustainable mobility and thus enable better accessibility of the Grätzl and the reduction of motorisation. Freed-up areas in public space can be used for new mobility and attractive recreational spaces.

In the Mo.Hub project, experimental spaces for mobility stations are being set up at three locations in Vienna according to local requirements in order to enable the flexible testing and combination of different mobility offers and their embedding in public spaces. The co-creative approach ensures the involvement of residents and potential users in order to implement demand-oriented offers and to promote their acceptance and awareness of sustainable mobility through participation.



additional parties

MO.Point Mobilitätsservices GmbH

UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH

DI Andrea Mann

Stadtland Dipl.Ing. Sibylla Zech GmbH


© TU Wien, MOVE 2020

Funding body

Funded within the framework of the programme “Mobility of the Future” (15th AS) of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).