LARA Share

The collaborative research project LARA Share aims to integrate cargo bikes more strongly into commercial and private goods transport. To this end, businesses and private individuals who use a motor vehicle for short, inner-city journeys with low transport volumes are to be motivated to switch to the use of cargo bikes.

Within the framework of the project, the possibilities of cargo bike and parking space sharing in the Vienna conurbation are being investigated in order to reduce two central inhibiting factors: the low availability of cargo bikes and the lack of parking facilities in densely built-up areas.

The core of the project is the analysis of the technical, organisational and legal requirements and the user needs, as well as the conception and test implementation of an online platform that acts as an intermediary hub between providers and users of cargo bikes and parking facilities. In particular, the sharing of parking spaces for cargo bikes and cargo bike sharing in a commercial context is considered an innovation.



Name: Fabian Dorner
Tel: (+43-1) 58801-280503

TU Wien
Institute of Spatial Planning
Research Unit MOVE


Further information

LARA Share Homepage

Feldtest LARA Share

Laborstunde LARA Share testen


Funding body

Funded as part of the “Mobility of the Future” programme by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).