AAL.mobi cargo

Ambient assisted living (AAL) has developed into a strongly expanding segment and enables older, but still active people to manage their daily lives independently for as long as possible.

However, AAL communities also provide ideal conditions for crowd logistics and shareconomy: for these concepts to work in reality, you first need a community or “crowd” that is willing to share and use common services. At the same time, within AAL communities, unnecessary traffic due to intensive deliveries or parallel routes can be avoided or reduced through social cooperation and the promotion of active mobility.

The participatory development together with two test communities is very effective: on the one hand, through the integration of an AAL community (corresponding to the predecessor project AALmobi) and, on the other hand, through another sharing community that expands the crowdlogistics focus with additional aspects.

Building on the AALmobi research project (MdZ, 4.AS), the project goal is the successful implementation of an integrated crowdlogistics service as a tablet app. In line with the share economy, AALmobi_cargo supports the use of shared private capacities for delivery, transport and handover of objects or purchases. The participatory development takes place together with residents of the settlement “OASE22”, where Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna runs an assisted living project, and with another existing community as a test field (e.g. fragNebenan, Sargfabrik).


Foto Waldi-App

© PlanSinn



Name: Efa Doringer
Email: doringer@plansinn.at
Tel: +43-1-585 3390 -21


Further information

PlanSinn Planung & Kommunikation GmbH

Laborstunde – Laden, Bringen, Tragen.